Codiaeum variegatum Undulatum
Synonyms are Piecrust and Mortimer.
REF: Brown, B. Frank 1995 Crotons of the World p.31.
Type I, 2' x 10', Lancelate leaves undulate on margins. At it's best the ground color is a deep maroon heavily mottled bright red and yellow but in older leaves the yellow all gradually turns red. A fine croton, extensively used at the Breaker's Hotel in Palm Beach. This variety has a tendency to revert to solid dark maroon leaves and only well colored stock should be used for propagating.
REF: Paper prepared by Wm. A. Geiger in collaboration with Mr. Christian of the Christian Nursery, Mr. Van der Lean and Mr. George L. Peacock. p.12.
Narrow leaf, very brilliantly spotted red, yellow and cream.
REF: Reasoner's Tropical Nurseries inc, croton listing. Group II, Better Standard Varieties, p.3.