Syagrus (see-AHG-ruhs) schizophylla (skihz-OH-fihl-lah)
 Miami FL. Photo by Jody Haynes.
Scientific Classification
Genus: |
Syagrus (see-AHG-ruhs)
Species: |
schizophylla (skihz-OH-fihl-lah)
None set.
Native Continent
Survivability index
Common names
Arikury Palm
Habitat and Distribution
Syagrus schizophylla is found in Brazil Northeast, and Brazil Southeast.
Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center, FL. Photo by H.P. Leu Gardens Botanist Eric S.
Found in sandy coastal areas.
It reaches a height of 2-4 m. and up to 25 cm. thick, dark green pinnate leaves 1-2 m. long arching decoratively. Leaflets widths that are notched at apex, bright green color. Petiole very thin, about 50-80 cm. long, purple-black, mostly in the margins, with spines near the base. Inflorescences born in the axils of the lower leaves. Fruit ellipsoid of 2-3 cm. long, bright orange-yellow. (from the spanish) Editing by edric.
Prefers an open sunny, well drained position, but will grow in filtered light. Seeds germinate in 2-4 months. Quite cold tolerant.
Comments and Curiosities
Etymology: Schizophylla, from Greek schizo = split, and phyllon = leaf with divided leaves.
"This is a unique Syagrus (most look just like a Queen palm, the most common Syagrus species). It has a very small habit, usually only growing up to 10' in cultivation and it's very slow at getting there (especially here in So Cal- warmer climates like Florida and tropics is much faster, but still considered slow). It is a very neat, attractive palm with nicely arched leaves and leaflets on a single plane (compared to most Syagrus which have plumose leaflets- on multiple planes). This is the one of only a few Syagrus with teeth along the petioles. A young plant sometimes is confused with a species of Phoenix. It is used commonly for landscaping in the warmer climates. Here in So Cal it's mostly just for palm enthusiasts since it's such a slug." (Geoff Stein)
Miami FL. Photo by Jody Haynes
Hawaiian Tropical Botanical Garden
Nong Nooch Botanical Garden, Thailand. Photo by Geoff Stein
Hawaii. Photo by Geoff Stein
California. Photo by Geoff Stein
California. Geoff Steins tree. Photo by Geoff Stein
Thailand. Photo by Geoff Stein
Brazil. Photo by Gileno Machado
Brazil. Photo by Gileno Machado
Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center, FL. Photo by H.P. Leu Gardens Botanist Eric S.
Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center, FL. Photo by H.P. Leu Gardens Botanist Eric S.
Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center, FL. Photo by H.P. Leu Gardens Botanist Eric S.
Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center, FL. Photo by H.P. Leu Gardens Botanist Eric S.
Palm Beach, Florida. Photo by Keith C. Austin.
East Central Florida. Photo by Central Floridave.
Satellite Beach, FL. Photo by Charlene and Greg
Boa Esperanza ranch, Brazil. Photo by Dr. Scott Zona.
Photo by L. H. Bailey Hortorium
Beach of Sirinhaém, state of Sergipe, the city of Aracaju, Brazil. Photo by Alberto Leonardo Barkema.
Beach of Sirinhaém, state of Sergipe, the city of Aracaju, Brazil. Photo by Alberto Leonardo Barkema.
Beach of Sirinhaém, state of Sergipe, the city of Aracaju, Brazil. Photo by Alberto Leonardo Barkema.
Beach of Sirinhaém, state of Sergipe, the city of Aracaju, Brazil. "despacho de macumba", kind of offerings to spirits of the candomblé religion. Photo by Alberto Leonardo Barkema.
Beach of Sirinhaém, state of Sergipe, the city of Aracaju, Brazil. Photo by Alberto Leonardo Barkema.
Beach of Sirinhaém, state of Sergipe, the city of Aracaju, Brazil. Photo by Alberto Leonardo Barkema.
Allan giving scale, at the Nursery of José Pompeo, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Photo by Alberto Leonardo Barkema.
Machado -Minas Gerais, Brazil. Photo-FARM MURICY
Costa do Sauípe - Bahia, Brazil. Photo-FARM MURICY
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Tibau do Sul (Rio Grande do Norte), MG, Brazil. Photo by Mauricio Moreira Caixeta
Notations by Research Work Editor Pal Meir. Photo by Pal Meir.
Whitsunday's, Nth. Queensland, Australia. Photo by Richard Ellem.
Whitsunday's, Nth. Queensland, Australia. Photo by Richard Ellem.
Leeward O`ahu, Hawaii. Photo by Ludwig Steve Rohrmayr
Leeward O`ahu, Hawaii. Photo by Ludwig Steve Rohrmayr
Leeward O`ahu, Hawaii. Photo by Ludwig Steve Rohrmayr
External Links
Phonetic spelling of Latin names by edric.
Special thanks to Geoff Stein, (Palmbob) for his hundreds of photos.
Special thanks to, Dr. John Dransfield, Dr. Bill Baker & team, for their volumes of information and photos.
Glossary of Palm Terms; Based on the glossary in Dransfield, J., N.W. Uhl, C.B. Asmussen-Lange, W.J. Baker, M.M. Harley & C.E. Lewis. 2008. Genera Palmarum - Evolution and Classification of the Palms. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. All images copyright of the artists and photographers (see images for credits).
Many Special Thanks to Ed Vaile for his long hours of tireless editing and numerous contributions.