Pritchardia waialealeana
Pritchardia (pritch-AHR-dee-ah) waialealeana (why-all-ee-all-ee-AHN-ah) | |||||||
![]() In habitat, Kauai, Hawaii. Photo by Dr. Melany Chapin | |||||||
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Habitat and Distribution
Hawaii. Wet forest below the Waialeale massif in east central Kauai, 500-750 m elevation. (Hodel, D. 2007)/Palmweb.Description
To 20 m tall; proximal margins of petiole with only a few fibers; leaf blade slightly undulate, divided 2/5, abaxial surface incompletely covered with scattered lepidia and mostly lacking cottony indumentum on folds at base, segment tips drooping to occasionally stiff; inflorescences composed of 1-3 panicles, shorter than or equaling petioles in flower and fruit, panicles branched to 3 orders, rachillae glabrous; fruits (immature) 20 x 15 mm, ellipsoid. (Hodel, D. 2007)/Palmweb.
Pritchardia waialealeana is difficult to distinguish from P. glabrata and P. remota. All three share the undulate leaf blades, incompletely covered abaxially with lepidia, and with drooping segment tips, inflorescences shorter than or equaling the petioles with panicles branched to three orders, glabrous rachillae, and small fruits. However, both P. glabrata and P. remota differ in the folds on the abaxial surface of their leaf blades clothed with thick, cottony or mealy indumentum and the more or less rounded fruits. A search failed to reveal any of Read's designated type material (Read 87-211) at US, BISH, HLA (HAW), BH, or PTBG; thus, I have designated Lorence 8446 from the type locality as the neotype. A photograph of Pritchardia waialealeana is erroneously captioned P. hardy; in Beccari and Rock (1921, PI. XIII A). (Hodel, D. 2007)/Palmweb.
This palm prefers a sunny, well drained, and moist location.
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"Apply a complete palm fertilizer with minor elements as directed on label. Be certain that sufficient magnesium and potassium is present in the fertilizer component. This is especially critical for loulus in pots. Magnesium and potassium deficiencies are two of the most serious nutritional disorders in palms. The deficiencies are characterized by bright yellowing (chlorotic) on leaf edges or streaking or the entire fronds yellowing. This can be difficult to reverse. Applications of Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), is good but does not last and is usually washed out of the soil in rainy periods. There are some very good slow release fertilizer spikes made for especially for palms on the market which contain a good balance of minor elements with magnesium and potassium. Potted or younger loulu planted in the ground appreciate a foliar feeding of kelp or fish emulsion and Epsom salt monthly or bi-monthly. [David Eickhoff, Native Plants Hawaiʻi." (Encyclopedia of Life curator Dr. David Eickhoff) Loulu are prone to leaf rollers, red spider mites and sugar cane borers. Rats will eat its fruit. (Encyclopedia of Life curator Dr. David Eickhoff) Pritchardia waialealeana is an easy to grow palm but not often available for the landscape. Pritchardia waialealeana vary in shape. Specimens raised in dry and/or infertile soils tend to be smaller in stature with smaller leaves. Light also affects the plant's form while those grown in full sun are more compact. This palm prefers a sunny, well drained, and moist location. Growth rate: It is a slow growing, short stocky palm. Soil: It likes organic soil, but is adaptable to clay and loam both slightly alkaline and acidic. Good drainage is also important. Fertilization: Need a perfect fertilizer diet including all micro nutrients and trace elements or slow release fertilizer. Micro-nutrient deficiencies are occasional problems. If it doesn't get enough Mn and Fe (Iron), the leaves take on a rather unhealthy yellow colour. Micro-nutrient deficiencies only show up on soil with a high pH. Fertilize often for faster growth. Water Requirements: Needs regular water, do not let dry out between waterings. however it does not want to sit in continually wet, mucky soil. The roots and lower trunk can rot if soil is kept too moist. Light: Prefers full sun but will tolerate half day sun. Hardiness: It is adapted to tropical and subtropical climates, young plants are more cold sensitive. Maintenance: Remove dead fronds and spent fruiting stalks for a clean landscape appearance. Fronds can be left on the palm to form a skirt for natural settings. Palms recycle nutrients from dead or dying fronds and use them for healthier fronds. Palms only have a set number of new leaves that can sprout and grow per year and removing fronds will not increase that number. If you cut off more than what will grow annually, you could be left with a pretty bare and bald palm. Pest & Disease: Mealybugs and whiteflies underneath the leaves can present problems at times if not kept in check. A generous spray of water can wash them off. Ornamental: It is cultivated as an ornamental tree, and planted in gardens and parks in tropical and sub-tropical climates either as a single specimen or in groups. Culture in containers is possible although growth rates are slower. A bright patio will provide an excellent environment for young specimens which can eventually be planted in a sunny location. ( |
Comments and Curiosities
"This grows in very wet conditions in subtropical rainforest and is named after Mt. Wai"ale"ale. Interestingly although Pritchardia are notorious for the tendency to hybridise, this species grows together with P. hardyi along the pole line trail, and the 2 species have remained distinct." (Chris King)
"Pritchardia waialealeana is endemic to the wet mountainous rain forest at an elevation of 1500 to 2600 feet. The epithet is Latin for “of Waialeale“, a mountain in the palm’s native habitat. This is a tall robust species. It has the widest trunk by far at 38 inches in diameter (more than double that of P. glabrata); it grows to a height of 100 feet. The leaf crown is massive, dense and spherical with short inflorescences. The leaves are 40 inches wide, semicircular and mounted on large 2 foot-long petioles. The blade is flat and the segments extend into the blade to two thirds its depth; they are stiff when young but become lax and pendent with age. This palm’s capacity to regenerate in the native habitat is also threatened with seed predation by rats. My efforts to photograph the different species of loulu falls quite short for the Island of Kauai, home to the most species of Pritchardia at this point." (Bill Chang) Etymology: Pritchardia name is dedicated to William Thomas Pritchard (1829-1907), British official stationed in Fiji in the 19th Century, British counsul in Fiji, adventurer, and author of Polynesian Reminiscences in 1866. The specific epithet waialealeana is in reference to Waiʻaleʻale massif in east central Kauaʻi where this species is naturally found. (Encyclopedia of Life curator Dr. David Eickhoff)
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Conservation: Vulnerable. This palm tree is scattered in wet lowland open forest between 450 and 800 m. (ICUN Redlist) A rather recently described species from Kauai where it grows in wet forest between 450 and 800 m (1500 and 2600 ft.) a.s.l. In fact, it is named for Mt. Waialeale, the wettest spot on earth, which averages more than 10 000 mm (400 in.) of rainfall per year. It is a massive tree that grows to more than 20 m (65 ft.) tall and has a very robust, smooth, gray trunk to 50 cm (20 in.) in diameter. The large, spherical crown carries more than 40 huge leaves. The fruits, unlike the rest of the tree, are small. ( |
External Links
- Glossary of Palm Terms
- "Just To Be Clear"
Phonetic spelling of Latin names by edric.
Special thanks to Geoff Stein, (Palmbob) for his hundreds of photos.
Special thanks to, Dr. John Dransfield, Dr. Bill Baker & team, for their volumes of information and photos.
Glossary of Palm Terms; Based on the glossary in Dransfield, J., N.W. Uhl, C.B. Asmussen-Lange, W.J. Baker, M.M. Harley & C.E. Lewis. 2008. Genera Palmarum - Evolution and Classification of the Palms. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. All images copyright of the artists and photographers (see images for credits).
Many Special Thanks to Ed Vaile for his long hours of tireless editing and numerous contributions.