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Codiaeum variegatum Juliette Delarue

Type P, 3" x 8", - This croton is somewhat like Evansianum. Lower right lobe pointed and generally much longer than lower left lobe which is sometimes rounded at end. Midrib and veins outlined and entire leaf heavily marbled deep rich yellow.

REF: Paper prepared by Wm. A. Geiger in collaboration with Mr. Christian of the Christian Nursery, Mr. Van der Lean and Mr. George L. Peacock. p.11.

Oak leaf type, lobes spreading, bright yellow, no red.

REF: Reasoner's Tropical Nurseries inc, croton listing. Group II, Better Standard Varieties, p.3.

The photo is of white form of Juliette Delarue.

REF: Brown, B. Frank 1995 Crotons of the World p.6.