Dypsis bejofo Mystery

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As the case with many of these Dypsis, the binomial that has referred to this palm has been recognized as being wrong for many years now. But there has been no offer of a valid name, so this palm must be placed in the category of undescribed.

There is a palm with a valid recognized name of Dypsis bejofo but the palms below ( in the garden of Bo Lundkvist), commonly referred to as Dypsis sp. 'bejofo,' is not it. It is nevertheless an awesome palm, and hopefully we will have a valid name one of these days. It has also been known to be called D. 'bijouf' and D. 'bejofa.'

The Real Dypsis bejofo???

The palm to your left, in the garden of Jeff and Suchin Marcus, is purported to be the real Dypsis bejofo. There is apparently some more work to do on this palm. Any comments would be welcome. (Click on the Discussion Tab above)