From Palmpedia - Palm Grower's Guide
Codiaeum variegatum Weismanii
Type B, 1" x 10", - This croton has narrow leaves of bright green veined brilliant yellow especially in bright sun. Dwarf grower. Quite similar to Edwin Meredith but smaller.
REF: Paper prepared by Wm. A. Geiger in collaboration with Mr. Christian of the Christian Nursery, Mr. Van der Lean and Mr. George L. Peacock. p.15.
Narrow leaves, veined brilliant yellow; dwarf compact grower.
REF: Reasoner's Tropical Nurseries inc, croton listing. Group 1, Common Varieties, p.2.
Has the identifying characteristic of a thumblike protrusion on one side of the leaf. Is more cream-colored than yellow and has more light spotting and blotching instead of veining.