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Codieaum variegatum Roseo Pictus

Some feel this croton's name is a synonym for Gonzales, but there are those that feel this is a different cultivar altogether. In Dr. B. Frank Brown's book, Florida's Beautiful Crotons, 1960, p. 131, the author described Roseo Pictus as a separate cultivar from Gonzales: Medium long leaves, spotted and suffused with cream, carmine-rose and occasionally some yellow. Compact grower with leaves well clustered. This croton was hybridized by W. Bull, Esq. England and described in Belgique Horticole, 1879.

However, Bob Alonzo has identified both Gonzales and Roseo Pictus as being the same cultivar.

Description for Gonzales:

Type O, 3" x 8", - Ground color of leaf rich rose with deep rose midrib and veins, marbled deep green. A very beautiful highly colored croton.

REF: Paper prepared by Wm. A. Geiger in collaboration with Mr. Christian of the Christian Nursery, Mr. Van der Lean and Mr. George L. Peacock. p.14.