From Palmpedia - Palm Grower's Guide
Codiaeum variegatum Pele's Fire
Synonyms for this croton are Madam Pele, Picasso's Paintbrush, and Superba.
REF: Brown, B. Frank 1995 Crotons of the World p.59, Picasso's Paintbrush.
Type E, 3/8" x 15", - Very long narrow leaves slightly "corkscrew". Ground color deep green with midrib and margin of leaf outlined bright yellow.
REF: Paper prepared by Wm. A. Geiger in collaboration with Mr. Christian of the Christian Nursery, Mr. Van der Lean and Mr. George L. Peacock. p.14.
Long, very narrow leaves, almost hair like-green and yellow.
REF: Reasoner's Tropical Nurseries inc, croton listing. Group 1, Common Varieties, p.2.