For Jack
Please note these files are not for public distribution, or for any use here on Palmpedia until further notice. They should not be linked to, and should remain hidden. Downloading is not permitted unless permission has been granted.
For those with permission to download:
Clicking on the desired file will take you to the page where the file resides. Then a CTRL click (MAC) or right click (Windows) on the file itself (on that page) will give you the download options. These are large, so be patient. Part One is the larger (482 MB), and may take as long as 15 mins even with high speed.
File:NEW FINAL PART 1 MAP.ppt This is the corrected Part One, and the one that should be used.
File:FINAL PART TWO.ppt This is the only Part Two, and the one that should be used.
File:FINAL PART 1 MAP.ppt This Part One may have a compatibility error and should not be used unless advised otherwise.