Talk:SPECIES ZONE SCALE 2B: The Queen Zone

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Now THis is a pretty wide zone and a lot of palms will fit in here (speaking from California only). Some that I would place in here include:

Allogoptera arenaria, Bismarckia, Brahea decumbens, Brahea pimo, Calamus caryotoides, Caryota gigas, Caryota maxima, Caryota ochlandra, Caryota urens, Chamaedorea adcendens, Chamaedorea benziei, Chamaeodorea cataractarum, Chamaedorea costaricana, Chamaedorea elegans, Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti, Chamaedorea glaucifolia, Chamaedorea microspadix, Chamaedorea oreophila, Chamaedorea pinnatifrons, Chamaedorea plumosa, Chamaedorea potchutlensis, Chamaedorea radicalis, Chuniophoenix hainensis, Chuniophoenix nana, Cocothrinax miraguama, Cocothrinax crinita, Copernicia alba, Copernicia baileyana, Copernicia glabrescens, Copernicia prunifera, Cyphophoenix elegans, Dypsis carlsmithii, Dypsis decipiens, Dypsis lutescens, Dypisis onilahensis, Dypsis saintlucei, Euterpe edulis, Gaussia maya, Geonoma schottiana, Guihaia argyrata, Jubaeaopsis caffra, Licuala spinosa, Livistona alfredii, Livistona benthamii, Livistona drudei, Livistona fulva, Livistona lanuginosa, Livistona mariae, Livistona merrillii, Livistona nitida, Livistona saribus, Lytocaryum hoehnei, Lytocaryum weddellianum, Oraniopsis appendiculata, Parajubaeas (all), Phoenix paludosa, Phoenix pusilla, Phoenix reclinata, Phoenix rupicola, Plectocomia himalaya, Pritchardia acuminata, Pritchardia hillebrandii, Ravenea xerophila, Rhapis excelsa, Rhapis humilis, Rhapis multifida, Rhapis subtilis, Sabal rosei, Sabal uresana, Syagrus coronata, Trachycarpus nanus, Trachycarpus martianus, Trachycarpus princeps, Wallichiana disticha, Wallichiana densiflora... to name a few.

To comment on the above list (above my own rambling)... at least in Southern CAlifornia, no way is Latania between Syagrus and Phoenix roebellenii... in fact, Latanias are pretty marginal except in ideal climates along the coast, or perhaps inland in the Palm Desert area... but in the bulk of LA, most cannot even grow that genus, while P roebellenii is very easy everywhere... Linospadix monostachya, in my experience, is about as cold hardy as P roebellenii, but more likely to die, while that latter will defoliate and come back. Butia paraguayensis has been through some pretty severe freezes in So Cal and haven't seen damage on one yet, so suspect this one is more cold hardy than a queen palm Rhopalostylis is most definitely a wimp compared to P roebellenii- have lost multiple palms when hardly any damage was done to pygmy date palms Acanthophoenix crinita is pretty cold hardy, but rubra (in my limited experience) is not. Chamaedorea seifrizii is a very cold sensitive plant.. .it will often grow back from root stock, but completely defoliates at temps that only burn P roebelleniis.